Terms of Service
By commissioning me, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to my TOS.REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONSThe artist reserves the right to deny a commission for any reason, or to cancel a commission and refund or partially refund the payment for any reason.Clients may request to cancel a commission and a refund will be issued depending on the amount of progress that has been finished:A full refund is available up until inking has been started, but the artist reserves the right to reuse any work that may be done for any other project. A partial refund of 60%-80% of the full price can be given once inking has been started depending on how much has been done, and the client will receive the project in its current state. Once coloring has begun, a refund will not be issued.REPOSTING AND USAGEClients reserve the right to post and share the art with credit on their websites, social media profiles, galleries, etc.Clients may not use any art made for them for commercial purposes without first communicating with the artist.The artist also reserves the right to share the art on websites, social media profiles, galleries, portfolio’s, etc, without claiming ownership of the character(s).Art may be used to bolster the value of a character to be sold and will transfer to the new character owner as per agreement between the parties. The artist cannot be held accountable for any mismanagement or other shenanigans associated with selling of another’s personal characters regardless of whether or not the artist has drawn a particular character.COMMUNICATIONThe client has the right to communication with and from the artist as time and schedules allow. Please allow 1-3 days for responses; the artist will try to get back to any correspondence regarding a commission as soon as possible. Response time will usually be sooner than 1-3 days.EDITSThe artist will provide WIPS of progress as it is done, typically with poses, concepts, sketches, lines, colors, shading, backgrounds, etc. This is all done to fit the client’s wishes.Posing, body type, limbs, etc will not be edited once lining has begun. Please be sure to let the artist know if something is wrong during the sketching stages.Markings and colors will not be edited once shading is done. Please be sure to let the artist know if something is wrong during the flatcolor stages.REFERENCESIt is the client’s responsibility to provide the artist with any and all references that may be required for the commission. This includes specific poses, clothing, props, character references, etc. If not provided, the artist cannot be held accountable for artistic liberty taken to fill these gaps.TURNAROUND TIMESWhile times taken to deliver the finished product vary, please understand that it may take the artist on average 2-8 weeks to finish a commission. Do not commission if this is an issue.If you need your commission done by a particular date, please contact the artist to work something out. There may be an extra fee for priority projects.PAYMENTPayment is made via Paypal invoice, and prices are in USD.If the commissioner resides in Pennsylvania, USA, the commissioner must pay state sales tax.Payment is to be made upfront, though for larger projects payment can be arranged for half upfront and half once inking has been finished.For other arrangements, please contact the artist.NSFWThe artist will accept not safe for work commissions, including fetishes. Restrictions include: art of underage characters (18 years or old or species’ equivalent), art simulating an underage character (sexual cub, etc), and some others.Please contact the artist prior to filling a commission if you are unsure whether your concept will be approved.If the artist feels uncomfortable for any reason fulfilling a request for nsfw, the commission will be denied.You must be 18 years or older to request a nsfw commission. Proof of age may be required.There may be an extra fee for nsfw commissions.TRADESIn terms of art trades, these will be completed in a step-by-step process in which the artist will only finish as far as the trader has also finished.If there has not been significant progress on the trader’s part, the artist reserves the right to cancel a trade. If this happens, the artist reserves the right to reuse any poses, sketches, or lines for other projects. The trader likewise reserves the right to reuse any poses, sketches, or lines for other projects.ADOPTABLESOnce a design, character, or adoptable is purchased, the buyer retains full rights to the character aside from claiming credit for any art not made by the buyer or the credit for being the designer.The buyer may sell, trade, or otherwise give away the design as they see fit.The buyer may edit the design in any way they see fit.The buyer may use the design in any way they see fit.The artist is not responsible for any potential for scamming or other inappropriate or immoral use of any designs or characters once they are purchased.